Wednesday, June 24, 2009

500 huge party!!

the 500 huge party was the best i get 10 shirts of 500 number on my shirt that was cool i get a lots of things!!!


it will be cool if they make an agent party and non agents!
there it can be mods! however maybe hiki can do it!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

bad chobot!

people this chobot broke the rules,this is not good for him!?!

we had a picture!


there are the chess game but on the academy,i find it on moon-walk,if the chess game its full just choose the another one!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

the park!

we was close to make the circle that was awesome,i wait 2 minutes for the circle!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

cool chobots and oldest!!

wow an agent with coolest clothes ,he had a citizenship too and cool shoes!!
here is a coolest chobot she had a cool clothes its blue!! do you mean she will be an agent??
here other cool chobot he just have 10 days with citizenship cool!

he wear cool!!

everyone look this a cool chobot and good name!!
he want hes own blog,will be cool??

Sunday, May 31, 2009

about me!

welcome to my home!!

they are my pet and me